Fire Food & Drink to Host Melting Pot Dinner
Posted by Douglas Trattner on Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 1:02 PM
"We've done an Indian dinner, we've done the Turkish dinner, we're doing an Israeli dinner," explains Doug Katz, "but we've never really done a melting pot America dinner."
Playing off the centennial theme surrounding the West Side Market, Katz says that for the Cleveland Melting Pot Dinner on Monday, March 12, 2012, he and his team selected ethnicities more closely aligned to Cleveland's own history.
"These are the cultures that sort of made the Market come alive 100 years ago," he notes.
The menu, conceived by chef du cuisine Ian Thompson, features modern takes on dishes from New England, Germany, Ireland, Eastern Europe and Italy. Each of the seven appetizer-size courses will be paired with a beverage from that culture.
Some of the items to be served that evening include a clam chowder tart, veal bratwurst with pickled cabbage, garlic soup with smoked carp, beet sorbet with candied horseradish, house made cannoli, and breaded pork cutlet.
Dr. Sean Martin of the Western Reserve Historical Society will offer historical highlights, while Honeybucket will perform Celtic roots music live.
Tickets ($79) and more info are available here:
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